We don't need to accept the reality, because at any time we can create a new one. By rearranging your thoughts and emotions, you can change your brain. And that is your life. The New Brain is the Future Of Mind Management— A True Solution To Life's Problems.

Don't make assumptions about what's wrong with us; think outside the box... take our mind off things it knows are out of sync with how others see us. If I'm an introvert, for example - on Monday morning I focus my eyes on looking through the glass doors into the strange dark room where old people are sitting around and talking in whispers or listening in a distance but never moving their heads. That makes me very different from someone who believes that all people are the same (that they're "on" too much). Our brains operate differently under any circumstances.


The book is dedicated to the little-known pagan gods-Eros, Protogon (Primigenius), Fortuna, Tutele, Nereus, Vesunna, Kurib, shedu, Lamas, Tutu, UTU, Shamash, etc. It analyzes in detail the symbolic relationship that explains the partial semantic community between the deities, and considers complex divine images that seem at first glance to be one-dimensional. Special attention is paid to the etymology of the names of Eros and Fortuna-Tutela, the main attributes and roles of these deities in relation to the cultural and religious traditions of peoples who lived in ancient times and later.
louisehoffmann83, Pixabay

Enable automatic translation of subtitles into English or other languages. It will be interesting.

In book analyzes in detail the symbolic relationship that explains the partial semantic community between the deities, and considers complex divine images that seem at first glance one-dimensional.

Mysteries and myths of ancient Egypt and Greece: the Secret of the Secret By Michael Mayer.

Translate from Latin to Russia as known as SILIKUS.

Subject of the book: Religion-Religions of the Ancient world-Religions of the ancient world-Beliefs. The Cult -- The Gods.

Fortunately, in recent years, both the personality and works of Mayer, are of increasing interest to researchers of Western European medieval culture.

Mysteries and myths of ancient Egypt and Greece: the Secret of the Secret

When I started working on the translation of the Secret Secret, I could not even imagine how difficult I would be to solve the problem. After all, the book by Michael Mayer is not only informative and rich, but also "multi-layered", that is, somewhere the text can be interpreted in different ways, and somewhere-in General, it seems as if the author resorted to the cipher, using either uppercase or lowercase letters at the beginning of words. I dare say that I managed to open the surface layer of the treatise, while the deeper, inner layers remained unsolved for me.
louisehoffmann83, Pixabay

Enable automatic translation of subtitles into English or other languages. It will be interesting.

I dare say that I managed to open the surface layer of the treatise, while the deeper, inner layers remained unsolved for me.